Seminar: Horizon 2020 SMEs-dedicated Actions 2015-2016

The seminar will be given by TERESA CALTABIANO (University of Catania) according to the following timetable:
15:00-17:30 seminar (part one)
ZAMMU' TV, University of Catania,Via Umberto 285, Catania
09:00-11:30 seminar (part two)
Department of Political and Social Science, University of Catania, Polo didattico Via Gravina 12 Catania - AULA 2
Hands-on session
12:00-13:30 (part one)
Department of Political and Social Science, University of Catania, Polo didattico Via Gravina 12 Catania - AULA 2
14:30:16:00 (part two)
Department of Political and Social Science, University of Catania, Polo didattico Via Gravina 12 Catania - SALA RIUNIONI 1ST FLOOR
OBJECTIVE: The seminar aims to provide the participants with information about European Union’s actions aimed to promote and support the development and internalization of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). In particular, the following objectives will be achieved:
• to provide a view on European Union’s strategies for development and growth in the period 2014-2020
• to present the main actions supporting SMEs’ growth and internationalization at European level
• to present the Horizon 2020 programme with a specific focus on the “SME Instrument” and the “Research and Innovation Actions”
• to teach how to write a successful proposal for Horizon 2020’s calls.
The new strategic EU framework and development, in the period 2014-2020:
- Europe 2020
- Innovation Union
• The growth and internalization of SMEs through their participation to EU programmes
• Horizon 2020 Programme: focus on the “SME Instrument” and the “Research and Innovation actions”
• Workshop: how to write a successful proposal in the Horizon 2020 Programme.
Teresa Caltabiano is Head of the Research Office and Vice Manager at the Research Department of Catania University. Since 1998, she is the research manager of Catania University. She is consultant on proposal design and management of projects funded by European programmes. She, previously, worked at the Committee on Regional Policy of the European Parliament and at the Committee of the Regions of the EU. She is expert evaluator for the European Union and lecturer on European projects. She is also the author of the publication “Le Regioni in Europa” and of some specialized articles on EU programmes and policies. She received the “Master of Arts in European Politics and Administration” at the College of Europe in Bruges (B) and the “Master of Arts in Innovation and Knowledge Transfer” at the MIP/Politecnico of Milano. Her expertise relates the following fields: EU programmes and policies for research, evaluation of European projects, International mobility of researchers and management of Marie Curie fellowships, organizational models of offices to support European research projects.
Ultima modifica:
23/05/2017 - 11:18